The library services include assistance in finding bibliographical sources, "ask a librarian", photocopy and scan, and more.

Our discovery & delivery tool allows to search databases and the library collection at the same time.


Primo homepage:



Ask a Librarian

Reference services are available online and by telephone.
Emails will be answered within 1-2 working days.
Brief consultations available by phone: +972-(0)733507112




Photocopy & Scan

A photocopier and a scanner are both available to the readers free of charge.

The use of these facilities is conditional to the user's compliance with copyright and fair dealing regulations, any violation of the above is his responsibility alone.




Reserved books

This service is available at the reference desk and is intended for reserving books which the reader has not yet finished using. The reader must fill a slip with his name and the end date for the reservation. Books can be reserved up to 1 month. At the end of that time, the books will be returned to their shelves.