The rich, turbulent history of Jerusalem was always a subject that has interested many scholars around the world. Archaeological research in the city began in the mid-nineteenth century, when excavations were conducted there with the aim of revealing and documenting relics from the past. Today, after 150 years of archaeological research in the city, during which hundreds of excavations were performed, we have a broad database and a comprehensive list of publications that shed light on Jerusalem’s glorious past.

Jerusalem's ancient remains, from the Canaanite period until the Ottoman period, were preserved both above and below ground. The settlement in the city, which has existed continuously for c. 5,000 years, created rich and complex archaeological strata that extend across very large areas. The many finds that were exposed in the excavations have allowed us to reconstruct Jerusalem’s appearance throughout the ages.

Since the unification of the city in 1967, archaeological excavations are being conducted in the Old City on an unprecedented scale. Some of them are continuations of earlier excavations from the beginning of the twentieth century, and some are carried out due to construction and development activity in the city.

In the wake of these excavations and as a result of innovative research methods the study of Jerusalem has gained tremendous momentum: Jerusalem’s past has been illuminated from new directions and occasionally chapters from its history have been restored that had completely disappeared.

In the current exhibition a variety of objects are presented that were discovered in excavations in Jerusalem over the years. Some have already appeared in the media and some are on display in museums around the country.

For additional information on the excavations in the city and about the finds in it visit the IAA website.