In 1996 remains of a Mausoleum dating from the late 2nd - early 3rd centuries c.e. were excavated in Tiberias, including an inscribed lintel bearing a greek inscription mentioning the name of the interned owner of the grave: Yosef the son of Elazar the son of Silas (= Shila) from Horeisa (=Horsha). It is possible that he was a member of the well to-do Silani family, mentioned in Talmudic sources, while Horeisa should most probably be identified with Kh. Horeisa, 3 k”m south of Tel Zif in southern Judea. The date of the inscription and the lineage mentioning the origins of the family enable attributing their transition to Galilee to the dire conditions in Judea (including the area southeast of Hebron) in the wake of the Bar-Kochba rebellion. While there are numerous literary references (discussed here briefly) pertaining to the transition of Judaean Jewry to Galilee, the archaeological evidence for this far-reaching phenomena is sparse; this includes, mainly, the custom of secondary burial in ossuaries which was widespread throughout Jewish Galilee during the 2nd to 4th centuries c.e.