The aim of this report is to propose a virtual reconstruction of the church of St. John in Akko.
The reconstruction is base on juxtaposition of the panorama, currently found in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, with the archaeological finds and a recent survey plan. The finds were also compared to the Statutes of the Hospitallers from a number of general chapters held in Acre. It also makes use of the journal of Captain Gravier d'Ortières as reproduced in a 17th century manuscript.

The illustration may be regarded as a precise representation of Seventeenth-century Acre, portraying the city from the south, in the direction of the harbour, and including some remarkable details.

A copy of the original panorama was scanned into drawing software and was interpreted into a line drawing. The line drawing was then inserted into recent survey drawings of the Church, plans and sections. Subsequently, the line drawing was scaled in accordance with the general proportions of the remains of the Church's undercroft. The dimensions of the two buildings of the Hospitaller Compound, the "palais du grand maitre" and "eglise st Jean" were compared to measurements taken in the nave and the undercroft of the Church of St. John. The panorama was proved to be accurate. The drawing is in fact a longitudinal section running from east to west. It can be regarded as a photographed panorama, with a few three dimensional observations.

Both the palace and the Church were visible at the end of the seventeenth century. The palace comprised a rectangular tower at its western end – partially destroyed, and a long building attached to it - pierced with two sets of long, narrow windows, and covered with a low gabled tiles roof. The eastern façade of the building was blind.

The Church, comprised of five bays, was designed with a tri-apsidal plan to the east, and with no crossing. As a result of the site topography, the Church was built above street level, with the undercroft built slightly below it. The western entrance, constituting the principal ceremonial entry to the Church, must have been accessed by a staircase that brought visitors to the nave level. Reconstruction of the windows on the northern façade as shown in the drawing was made in accordance with the archaeological finds.