The lobby, chaired by Uri Ariel M.K, was established in 1996, with the aim of advancing archaeological knowledge and research, history and anthropology, and to assist the Antiquities Authority in accomplishing its mandatory tasks.

The lobby's members dedicate maximum effort and commitment to provide protection, encouragement and legislation for the cause of archaeology.


The lobby's work is based on the view that archaeological sites and artifacts constitute the cultural heritage of Israel. Each site and artifact represent a fraction of the historical montage, and together they fill in the puzzle of Israel's inhabitants, cultures and kingdoms. It is no surprise that Israel possess the largest density of archaeological sites in the world, yet their number is limited and can never be renewed. Damage to antiquity sites and artifacts is irreversible––a part of the cultural heritage is forever lost. Consequently, the landscape and its antiquities must be protected and preserved. This is the prime task of the IAA, performed with wholehearted devotion and candid passion for archaeology, from the Director all the way down to each and every field worker.


The Knesset Lobby realized several important accomplishments. It legislated amendments to the Law of Antiquities, increased penalties for antiquities looting, and set additional limits to commerce in antiquities. It worked tirelessly to advance archaeological matters in the Knesset.