Submerged Sites

Ohalo I site

Ohalo I has been surveyed and excavated by O. Bar-Yosef and D. Nadel since 1986. Underwater rescue surveys have been carried out by the Marine Archaeology Unit since 1998. The investigations have revealed Epipaleolithic, Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic assemblages, including flint cores, blades, flakes and tools, as well as basalt stone implements (pestles, bowls, perforated and grooved fishing net-sinkers and grinding stones). The archaeological material is scattered over an area of 150X150 m at -212 to -215m below the Mediterranean sea level (3.5-6 m below the highest possible level of the lake).

Ohalo II Site

Ohalo II has been excavated since 1989 by D. Nadel, and was dated by C14 to 19,500 years BP (uncalibrated). Excavations have revealed in-situ ruins of an Epipalaeolithic fishing-village, with traces of huts, human burials, flint, bone and stone artifacts, plant remains and animal bones, including large amounts of fish-bones. The elevation of the inundated village is ca. -212 to -213 m below the Mediterranean sea level. Hence, the level of the Sea of Galilee must have been lower than -214 m at the time of occupation (assuming that the settlement was at least 1 m above the lake's level).  This level is lower by ca. 5 m than the highest possible level of the lake.

In addition to these sites, many scattered flint artifacts have been found on the dried bottom of the lake. Most of them were not found in-situ, and were probably deposited by currents.