IAA Number: 1968-1182
 | Object's Name: "Cult" Stand Philistine, Decorated in Relief, Human Images, Zoomorphic Period: Iron I Material: Pottery Site: Ashdod, T. Height: 35 cm Description: "Musicians Stand". The stand is decorated with five figures of
musicians: Two playing a double flute, a drummer, a lyrist and a
cymbal player. Above the musicians a procession of three animals is
depicted. Bibliography: Dothan M and Ben-Shlomo D 2005. Ashdod VI: The Excavations of Areas H and K (1968-1969). IAAR 24: 180-184, Figs. 3.78-79. Ben-Shlomo D 2010. Philistine Iconography. A Wealth of Style and Symbolism. OBO 241. Fribourg, 59-61, Fig. 3.18-19.