National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Lintel (door or window) With Inscription, Samarian
Period: Roman
Material: Stone
Site: שכם - Nablus
Lenght: 139 cm
Wide: 83.5 cm
Description: Corresponding sections of Exodus and Deuteronomy in the Smaritarian Text
Sukenik L. 1936. The Date of the Samaritarian Inscription of Nablus. BJPES III: 130.
Ben Zvi I. 1941. The Beit el-Ma Samaritarian Inscription. BASOR 84: 2-4.
Taylor W.R. 1941. A New Samaritarian Inscription. BASOR 81: 1-3.

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