National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Nozzle (lamp/vessel) Lamp Face, Decorated with a human figure, Slipped Red
Period: Hellenistic
Material: Pottery
Site: Maresha, T.
Stern I. (ed.) 2014. The excavations of Maresha subterranean complex 57: The 'Heliodorus' cave. BAR (IS) 2652: 1- 131.
Ambar- Armon E. 2014. "Oil lamps" in: Stern I. (ed.) The excavations of Maresha subterranean complex 57: The 'Heliodorus' cave. BAR (IS) 2652: 33- 37, Fig. 5. 11.

Additional Looks

Nozzle (lamp/vessel) Lamp Face 
Photographer :Yolovitch Yael

Nozzle (lamp/vessel) Lamp Face 
Photographer :Yolovitch Yael

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