National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Object's Name: Bowl 
Period: Crusader
Material: Pottery
Site: Arshaf, T.
Description: Bowl made of coarse and sandy-beige colored clay. The bowl is hemispherical with a thickened inward slping rim and a low ring base. The bowl belongs to the Proto-Maiolica group with white tin glaze decorated in blue, brown and black outlines. The decoration consists of a central pattern of circles and dots surrounded by smaller circles. The bowl is dated to the 13th century. For further details about the Proto-Maiolica group see No. 2011-457.
Ziffer, I. and Tal O. 2011. The Last Supper at Apollonia. The Final Days of the Crusader Castle in Herzliya. Tel -Aviv, 58-59, 35, 123.
Avissar M. and Stern E.J. 2005. POttery of the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk periods in Israel.. IAAR 26: 63-69, Pl. XX.

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