National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade 
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade 
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade 
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Pressure Retouch
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Pressure Retouch
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ha-Gosherim, Nili (north)
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Denticulated
Period: Pottery Neolithic A
Site: Sha`ar ha-Golan
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Denticulated
Period: Pottery Neolithic A
Site: Sha`ar ha-Golan
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Denticulated
Period: Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Kefar Gil`adi
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Denticulated
Period: Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Kefar Gil`adi
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Sickle Blade Denticulated
Period: Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Kefar Gil`adi
Material: Flint

Object's Name: Fragment Spear-Head 
Period: Pottery Neolithic
Site: Ard es-Samrra
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Transversal Arrowhead 
Period: Neolithic
Site: לא ידוע
Material: Flint

Object's Name:  Whetstone 
Period: Pottery Neolithic A
Site: Sha`ar ha-Golan
Material: Flint
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