National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Lakhish, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Pillar figurine Female Figure
Period: Iron II
Site: Mizpah
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Unknown
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Unknown
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Unknown
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Unknown
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Unknown
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Lakhish, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Mizpah
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Lakhish, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Pillar figurine Female Image
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet Mirsham, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Head Pillar figurine 
Period: Iron II
Site: Bet-Shemesh, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Pillar figurine (?), Amulet (?) 
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Stone

Object's Name:  Pin (use unknown) 
Period: Late Byzantine
Site: Nizzana
Material: Bronze

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Slipped Red
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Slipped Red, Pointed Base
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Miniature, Slipped Red
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Miniature, Burnished
Period: Early Bronze III
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Black Gloss, Burnished
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Tell el-Yahudiyah
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Tell el-Yahudiyah, Double Handled
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet 
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Button Base, Burnished
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Juglet Burnished, Button Base, Double Handled
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Vase Mycenean
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: `Ujul, T. el-
Material: Pottery

Object's Name:  Piriform Vase Mycenean
Period: Late Bronze II
Site: `Ujul, T. el-
Material: Pottery
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