National Treasures

About Findings Periods The Mandatory Collection of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Object's Name: Fragment Standard of Volumes 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Har ha-Zofim (east)
Material: Limestone

Object's Name: Fragment Standard of Volumes 
Period: Early Roman (period)
Site: Jerusalem, Har ha-Zofim (east)
Material: Limestone

Object's Name: Head Statue Human Image, Painted
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Jericho, T.
Material: Plaster

Object's Name: Head Statue Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Painted
Period: Iron IIC
Site: Qitmit, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Body Statue Female Image, Semi-Divine/Divine Figure
Period: Roman
Site: Ashqelon, T. Ashqelon
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Statue Anthropomorphic
Period: Iron II
Site: Qitmit, H.
Material: Pottery

Object's Name: Fragment Statue Anthropomorphic, Eye
Period: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Site: Nahal Hemar
Material: Clay

Object's Name:  Statue Female Image, Semi-Divine/Divine Figure
Period: Middle Bronze II
Site: Kittan, T.
Material: Limestone

Object's Name: Head Statue Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Asklepios (?), Zeus (?)
Period: Roman
Site: Panias, H.
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Statue Emperor, Human Image
Period: Middle Roman
Site: Shalem, T.
Material: Bronze

Object's Name: Body Statue Emperor
Period: Late Roman
Site: Bet She'an
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Statue Anthropomorphic
Period: Early Byzantine
Site: Gaza Harbour
Material: Marble

Object's Name: Head Statue Semi-Divine/Divine Figure, Athena
Period: Roman
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief, Painted, Decorated with animal figures, Lion
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Base Statue Inscribed, Hieroglyphs, Egyptian
Period: Iron I
Site: Megiddo, T.
Material: Bronze

Object's Name: Torso Statue Nike, Winged
Period: Roman
Site: י-ם, עמק המצלבה
Material: Marble

Object's Name:  Statue Female Figure, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Female Figure, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Female Figure, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Body Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Female Figure, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Body Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief, Painted
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Head Statue Zoomorphic, Horse, Decorated in Relief
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Zoomorphic, Bird, Decorated in Relief, With Vegetal Decoration, Vine Tendrils
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Head Statue Female Figure
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Body Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief, Female Figure (?)
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name: Body Statue Anthropomorphic, Decorated in Relief
Period: Umayyad
Site: Mafjar, Kh. el-
Material: Stucco

Object's Name:  Statue Human Image, Egyptian, Inscribed, Hieroglyphs
Period: Late Bronze IIB-Iron I
Site: Bet She'an, T.
Material: Basalt

Object's Name: Body Statue Human/Semi-Divine/Divine Image, Aphrodite
Period: Roman
Site: Jerusalem, `En Kerem
Material: Marble

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